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Greenhouse Gas Calculation, Inventory Report and Preparation of Climate Change Action Plan Project

The contract for the "Greenhouse Gas Calculation, Inventory Report and Preparation of the Climate Change Action Plan Project", carried out by our company on behalf of Istanbul Fatih Municipality, was signed on 15.04.2022 and work started on 18.04.2022.

The aim of the project is to create a long-term sound climate change strategy by evaluating climate-related risks and opportunities. At the same time, it is the calculation of the carbon footprint by making a greenhouse gas inventory and the preparation of the local climate change action plan, which includes the goals of combating global climate change.

Within the scope of the project, a 2-day training was held on 09-10.06.2022 with the participation of Municipality personnel. On the first day of training;

- Basic information on greenhouse gas and climate change,

- Relevant legislation, monitoring and reporting communiqué,

- Information about the corporate carbon footprint has been conveyed.

On the second day of the program;

- Greenhouse gas calculation methodology,

- Studies of uncertainty calculations and

- Information about sector sampling was given.

In the later stages of the project, a workshop will be organized to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to receive opinions, suggestions and evaluations on policies, targets, strategies and actions to combat climate change, and a final climate change action plan will be created.

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