Blue Card Project
Our country became a party to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention prepared by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1990, and in order to fulfill its obligations arising from this agreement, Turkey In maritime jurisdictions, the Environmental Law No. 2872 and the “Regulation on Receiving Waste from Ships and Control of Waste”, prepared in accordance with this law, was published in the Official Gazette dated 26/12/2004 and entered into force. On the other hand, Ministry circulars on Ship Waste Tracking System and Blue Card Applications came into effect on 5 August 2011 in order to facilitate the implementation of the Regulation and to monitor it online, and these two circulars were combined as Ship Waste Tracking Systems Implementation Circular No. 2013/12. In this context; It is aimed to be used effectively in all coastal provinces.
In this context; Determination of short, medium and long-term legal, administrative and technical infrastructure and capacity requirements of practitioners in order to establish the necessary infrastructure and capacity for ship waste reception and follow-up in our country, to make studies on the prevention of marine pollution and protection of our seas more effective, to fulfill responsibilities among institutions It is aimed to contribute to the achievement of the pollution reduction targets included in our country's international commitments and national environmental policies, plans, programs and strategies, and to strengthen the infrastructure.
With the commissioning of the Blue Card Application System in Muğla Province in 2011 and Antalya Province in 2012, the "Ship Induced Pollution Management System" in order to review the functionality of the current application and expand the application areas in these provinces. The Project for Reviewing the Technical Infrastructure of Blue Card Applications in the Prevention, Expanding the Capacity and Application Areas" was produced by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
In this context, Çınar Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik A.Ş. The Final Report of the Project for the Review of the Technical Infrastructure of Blue Card Applications, Capacity Building and Expansion of Application Areas in the Prevention of Pollution from Ships has been prepared by