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Basin Monitoring and Determination of Reference Points Project - Gediz River Basin

Administration: General Directorate of Water Management

Scope: Article 8 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) at the points determined by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs in the surface (river, lake, transitional water, coastal water) and underground waters in the Gediz River Basin Within the scope of Annex-5, the physicochemical, chemical, biological and hydromorphological quality elements of the water bodies in question were monitored and data flow was obtained.

The steps carried out within the scope of the project are given below.












Project steps:

1. To measure the water quality and water level in groundwaters twice a year, seasonally, in quarterly periods, 4 times a year and biological monitoring once a year,

2. Monitoring of water and biological quality elements once a year, 4 times a year in 3-month periods seasonally at the coastal-crossing waters monitoring points,

3. Instant flow measurement during water and biological sampling at all monitoring points,

4. Preserving and transporting the samples to the laboratory and performing physicochemical, chemical and biological analyzes,

5. The Water Framework Directive and its sister directives, Regulation on Water Pollution Control, Regulation on the Quality of Drinking Water Obtained and Planned to be Obtained, Regulation on the Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration, Control of Pollution Caused by Hazardous Substances in the Water and its Environment Regulation, Swimming Water Quality Regulation and other relevant legislation,

6. Creating Water Pollution Maps by transferring all collected data and evaluation results to Geographic Information Systems (GIS),

7. The data obtained and the results of the evaluation are prepared in the form of “Interim Reports” in quarterly periods and submitted to the Administration.

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